Monday, March 30, 2020- Rainbow/ Pattern Day!
TBD Spirit Week: e-Learning Style! Wear as many colors of the rainbow or patterns that you can!

Morning News: click the link March 30, 2020 KC News
*We read the morning news together every morning. One student points to the words and reads the news while the rest of the class follows. Please have your child read the news and find sight words in the news. If you have a printer, you can print the news and have them highlight sight words on paper. If you don't have a printer, your child can just point to the sight words that they find in the news!
Morning Routine: (oral)
What day is today? What day was yesterday? What day is tomorrow?
How many days are left in March? What month comes next?
What kind of weather is it outside today?
Sing the Monday song and the March Song to your families!
"This is March. The wearing of the green. Leprechauns and Shamrocks. On St. Patrick’s Day are seen." (each line is echoed)
Today is the 127th day of school!
- Pick someone to count to 127 with. You do not need to start with 1. Start with a bigger number like 50 so that it doesn't take so long. Count!
SPECIALS: (remember Monday is our busy morning! We have 3 specials today!)
GYM- please click HERE to find Ms. Janowski’s webpage for gym activities!
ART- please click HERE to find Mrs. Clark’s webpage for art activities!
SPANISH- please click HERE to find Ms. Henry’s Spanish assignments for today!
*This week (Mar 30-April 3) the TBD Library will be sharing a LIVE read-aloud with each grade level at 1pm. Kindergarten LIVE read aloud will be TODAY, March 30 at 1:00pm. If you would like to participate in the live read aloud, you need to be signed up for Remind - a notification service that keeps your information private. If you haven’t signed up yet, please click HERE for the directions.
Phonics/ Phonemic Awareness:
- Today we will learn a new sound!
- This sound is a digraph! Remember a digraph is two letters representing one sound.
- We already learned the digraph /ch/.
- The new digraph is:

- What sound does the digraph -sh make?
- When you make the /sh/ sound - pretend you are a shark and use your arms to make a shark mouth (like you would to the song “baby shark”).
- Click to listen to the -Sh song
- After listening to the -sh song with Jack Hartamm, please join Ms. Corbett in making words using the -sh digraph. We will make words together on our blend board- LINK BELOW.
- After blending words using the -sh digraph, see if you can come up with some words that begin or end with -sh on your own!
- Below is our letter/sound video. In school we review our sounds EVERY DAY.
- Please review every day if you can.
Letter/Sound Video
- please click HERE for extra red word practice. If you have a printer, you may print out this PDF. If you do not, please "rainbow write" each of these red words using 3 different color crayons on a plain piece of paper.
Visit Padlet: Hit the + sign in the bottom right-hand corner of the page and post
- Today’s Padlet: post a picture of yourself in today’s Spirit Day outfit! If you are wearing colors of the rainbow and patterns, we want to see!
Spirit Day Rainbow and Patterns Padlet
- Take a look at your classmates in their favorite pajamas from last week’s Padlet post:
Pajama Day Padlet
- Take a look at your classmates letter K pictures from last week’s Padlet post:
Letter K Padlet
- Take a look at your classmates smiling faces from last week’s Padlet post:
Show Me Your Smile Padlet
Reading Workshop:
- Go on RAZ Kids and read for at least 10-15 minutes. Try to record a story for me so I can hear you read! Take the quiz after each story!
- Please read a story to your child each night before bed. Today is the LAST DAY to record reading on your blue log.
*Find sight words while you are reading
*Use strategies to figure out unknown words
*Look at print - the word begins with b (bunny not rabbit)
*Use pictures to help
*Sound the word out in “chunks”
Writing Workshop:
- Today for writing workshop please write a personal narrative about your weekend! Tell me everything you did. Maybe you played board games, made a fort, ate dinner with your family, OR watched a movie. Whatever you did this weekend, please tell me in a personal narrative! Personal narratives use words like I, me, my, or we. Don’t forget to include WHO, WHAT, and WHERE in your story.
- Please write at least 2 sentences.
- Add detail and take your time!
- Draw a nice picture to match your words.
- Use 10 of your counters for "Ways to Make 10". Take your red and yellow counters, put them in a cup, shake, and toss them onto the table. When they land, sort them on the table by color. Figure out how they make 10! Do you have 4 red counters and 6 yellow counters? Do you have 5 red counters and 5 yellow counters? Do this a few times to get different ways to make 10!
- Log into Happy Numbers for 15-20 minutes.
• go to
• click "I'm a Student"
• enter your class number: 709 017
Student Passwords: please save your personal password. I emailed this as a PDF as well.

-Practice counting to 100 by 1s
-Practice counting count to 100 by 10s
Science, Social Studies, Health:
- Please visit the Scholastic website below and complete “Week 1 Day 2: Living Things- Plants”. You have a scroll down past day 1 to see day 2. There is a read aloud and a few activities to go along with it. Feel free to explore all of day 2. Please do not move onto day 3 today.
Week 1 | Remote Learning Resources and Strategies | Grades PreK-K
- Today, please choose and complete ONE activity from the Science, Social Studies, Health Choice Board below:
Science, Social Studies, Health Choice Board
Handwriting: (Handwriting Without Tears Orange Workbook)
- Please complete the next two pages in your handwriting workbook. I do not assign certain page #s because each child may be on a different page.
- Handwriting Without Tears is offering free use for 90 days of their HIIT tools that we use in our classrooms. Simply click “create an account” for a free 90 day access! Link below:
*Please keep track of any completed/written work and place in folder that was sent home- date work.
*During this social distancing and school closure period, I encourage you and your child(ren) to continue to find ways of connecting with friends and family. Make a phone call, enjoy a video chat, write an e-mail, or send a handwritten note!