Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020- Flex Friday!

Please see my email sent last night (April 16). Today is Flex Friday. I will not post any new assignments for the day. Please take today to catch up on anything you may have missed, visit special area teachers' pages, or go back to previous assignments you may have found difficult or tricky! Today is a day for mental health. If you visit our guidance counselor Mrs. Dockendorf/ Ms. LoPiccolo’s webpage HERE, they offer many resources and exercises to help with emotions and mental health throughout this time. I encourage you to explore the posts on their page.

*Please still scroll through today's page for our morning routine, library with Mrs. Straubinger, any work to catch up on or review, and today's PADLET! Sending you a virtual hug! You did a great job this week! Have a wonderful weekend. Xoxo

Morning News: click the link April 17, 2020 Morning Routine: (oral)

Today is April 17th, so I want you to count to 17 (like we do at the calendar).

Repeat after me: Today is Friday, April 17th, 2020. 

What day is today? What day was yesterday? What day is tomorrow?

What month is it?

What kind of weather is it outside today? 


Today is the 135th day of school!

- Pick someone to count to 135 with! READY...Count! 

- 135 is a BIG number, so if you would like to start at 50 or a higher number, you can!

- If we were using our straws to count, we would have 100 straws rubber band together in the hundreds column, 3 groups of 10 (30 straws) in the tens column, and five straws in the ones column.

Sing the FRIDAY song and the APRIL SONG to your families!

(each line is echoed and to the same tune as the March song) HERE are the month songs where you will find April. We sing this song every morning!

Click the link to complete activities for our LIFE SKILLS BINGO CHALLENGE! *Work on each challenge as much as you need to get good at it! LIFE SKILLS BINGO


LIBRARY - click HERE to find Ms. Straubinger's awesome assignments for today! Revisit MUSIC Revisit ART Revisit GYM Revisit SPANISH


Phonics/ Phonemic Awareness:

Below is our NEW letter/sound video. I now have our real Phonics First cards to work with! YAY!

In school we review our sounds EVERY MORNING. Please review this video every day. 

Letter/Sound video UPDATED

- This week we learned a NEW SOUND: Short /e/ vowel sound

- Short vowel e says /e/ like elephant

- When you make the short /e/ vowel sound, our hand motion is to put your arm in front of your nose and wave it up and down like an elephant's trunk!

- Click on this LINK to learn about the /e/ sound with Ms. Corbett!

Dictation Practice with Ms. Corbett!

*For this video you will need a blank piece of paper and a pencil. Please have that ready.

Rhyming Practice with Ms. Corbett! Rhyming Practice #1
Rhyming Practice #2

Blend Board Practice with Ms. Corbett! *Please click the link to review CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words.

Blend Board Practice Short vowel practice with Ms. Corbett! Including our new vowel short /e/. Short Vowel Practice RED WORD Practice with Ms. Corbett! *Add our two new red words do and from to your RED WORD poster at home! Red Word Practice Fun Rhyming Song For Kids | Make a Rhyme, Make a Move | Jack Hartmann

Reading Workshop:

Today for reading workshop, please look at our Shared Reading Poetry powerpoint. Start with the poem titled “Ladybugs”. On the next slide, it tells you what to do with the poem each day. For Friday, it asks you to read aloud the poem and pretend like you are on a stage! Sing it if you would like! If you have a notebook, you may keep a section for “Shared Reading Poetry” and we will do a new poem each week (as you can see on the powerpoint). If you do not have a notebook, please complete the assignments on a sheet of paper and keep all of the papers for each poem together.



April Reading Challenge

Send me pictures of you completing a box from our April reading challenge to make it into our April Reading Challenge Picture Slideshow  
*Look at the pictures of all of your friends who have completed some of the April challenges so far!

Go on RAZ Kids and read for at least 10-15 minutes. Try to record a story for me so I can hear you read! Take the quiz after each story. Do you see the messages I send you on Raz Kids after I listen to you read?


Have your child read their favorite book (or read it to them) and draw/write about their favorite part. Encouraging children to talk about reading will help build strong literacy skills! You could start a journal where each day your child illustrates their favorite part and maybe writes some key words. Some sentence starters to help get you started could be: My favorite part was … because... One thing that surprised me was… I’d still like to know more about... One thing that made me laugh was... My friend/family member would like this book too because…

Writing Workshop:

In writing workshop we will begin a new unit! “HOW TO” writing!

“How to” writing is my favorite unit because YOU get to teach people how to do things! Anything!

- Click HERE for a template to write a “how to”. If you have a printer, please print multiple copies for this unit of study. If you do not have a printer, please copy a similar layout onto a plain piece of paper to create your own “how to” writing template. It is a very simple template that can be re-created on a piece of paper if you need!

- Click HERE to learn about writing a “how to” and to see Ms. Corbett's example!

*When we write, we worry about QUALITY not QUANTITY. Ask yourself… - Will someone want to read my “how to”? - Did I do my best work and take my time? - Did I add nice color to my pictures? - Did I use my best handwriting?

*Don't start a new "how to" until you the ones you already have are your BEST work!

*REMEMBER! Good writers...

- have to first think and plan about their writing!

- don’t start writing until they have ideas ready. 

- use details to keeps readers interested. 

- pretend like readers have NO IDEA how to do the thing you are teaching them.

- include all of the steps to help readers learn and be successful.

- write a “how to” about something they are an expert at!


- Click HERE for the first lesson on subtraction with Ms. Corbett! Click HERE for lesson #2 on subtraction!

Log into Happy Numbers for 15-20 minutes.
- go
click "I'm a Student"
- enter your class number: 709 017
Please contact me if you forget your personal password.

Science, Social Studies, Health:

If you did not get a chance to do Mrs. Gambuti’s science lesson this week, please click HERE to visit her page and complete the assignment. Mrs. Gambuti started a new unit- Effects of the Sun. Launch Pad is science content - curriculum that students need! Please make sure to complete her assignments as you have the time. Send a picture to Mrs. Gambuti.

[email protected]

Go outside in your yard and try to find as many things as you can on our Spring Scavenger Hunt list! You may save this for another day if the weather isn't cooperating or you have other things to do.


Handwriting: (Handwriting Without Tears Orange Workbook)

- Please complete the next two pages in your handwriting workbook. I do not assign certain page #s because each child may be on a different page. 

Visit Padlet: Hit the + sign in the bottom right-hand corner of the page and post

For today's padlet, send me a virtual hug! Remember before we left school instead of hugging we made a heart with our fingers- make the heart and have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND! xoxo

Virtual Hug Padlet
Previous Padlets:

Show Me Your Subtraction Gym Exercise Letter E Circle Chart Padlet
Tacky Tourist Day Padlet
Hidden Flower Padlet
TBD Spirit Day Shirt Sport's Team Padlet
Spirit Day Rainbow and Patterns Padlet
Pajama Day Padlet
Letter K Padlet
Show Me Your Smile Padlet


*You will notice there are a lot of links on my webpage. I am using a video recording platform to record lessons, which I have found to be the best way to teach new and continuous material. Please be sure to click all of the links as I think it is the best way to help your child learn. Links labeled NEW! are new for that day. I will leave all other links up to return back to whenever you would like. I hope my lessons are clear and helpful!