Thursday, April 30, 2020

Thursday, April 30, 2020 Today is the last day of April!   Morning News: April 30, 2020

Morning Routine: (oral)

Today is April 30th, so I want you to count to 30 by 1's and 10's.

Repeat after me: Today is Thursday, April 30, 2020. 

What day is today? What day was yesterday? What day is tomorrow?

What month is it? What month will it be tomorrow?

What kind of weather is it outside today?

Today is the 144th day of school! Count to 140 by tens and then add FOUR more! 144!

*If we were using our straws to count, we would have 100 straws rubber band together in the hundreds column and now 4 groups of 10 (40 straws) in the tens column and four straws in the ones column.

Sing the THURSDAY song and the APRIL SONG!

HERE are the month songs where you will find April. We sing this song every morning!

Click LIFE SKILLS BINGO to complete activities
Have you completed our life skills BINGO challenge???

Music- visit Mr. Natoli's webpage for a fun music class!

*I will be posting a new letter/ sound video next week- updated with all new sounds.

This week you learned another new sound!
Your new sound is /w/.

Click this link to learn about the /w/ sound and practice making words using the letter "w" on our blend board.

Click: Letter W Song

Here is Ms. Corbett's Ww circle chart! I hope you like it.

Today, join me in Dictation Day 8 for the week of April 27, 2020.
This will be our last dictation lesson for the week!
Dictation 6
Dictation 7
Dictation 8 

This week you will learn two new RED WORDS! Your new red words are: how & 
*Make sure you added your two new red words to your red word poster.
Click HERE to "arm tap" your new red words with me!

You choose:
- Write each red word 3x in the sky using your pointer finger OR
- Write each red word in a tray of sand or rice, make each new red word using play-doh or LEGOS, write each red word outside using chalk - BE CREATIVE!

Sight Word Stomp! - optional 
Write as many sight words as you want on pieces of paper or post-its. Only write one word on each piece of paper. Put the papers/post-its all over the floor. When your parent calls out a sight word, go stomp on the piece of paper/post-it with that word on it!
Sight Word Powerpoint

Sight Word Find! - optional 
We always did these in school. Your child will know exactly what to do!
Sight Word Find

Short Vowel Practice 

Explore the website- Epic! You should have received an email from the website and an email from me about this. I do not want to overwhelm you with many different resources, but I think you will like this one. You have access to so many different books that you can read for fun! Today, just explore the site and check out all of the different books they have to offer - some are audio books, some they will read to you, there are even some videos. Let me know how it goes.
Class code: evt2037

Log onto RAZ Kids for at least 15 min. (2-3 times a week) Record your reading for me.
If you need access to more books on Raz Kids, please let me know.  

April Reading Challenge April Reading Challenge Picture Slideshow  
It is the LAST DAY of the April reading challenge! Look at all of these amazing pictures of your classmates reading EVERYWHERE! Can you find one more place to read before tomorrow?

Shared Reading Poetry: Click HERE for this week's Shared Reading Poem- "My New Pet" (slides 6 and 7) For Thursday, read the poem aloud. It asks you to find the word with a silent "e" - we have not learned about silent "e", so instead, please circle all of the words that have the letter W in them. 

For writing workshop today, share your favorite "how to" with a family member. Pretend you are sitting in my reading chair with the green cushion. Sit tall and proud. Read the steps to your favorite "how to" and show the pictures! At the end, ask your family member if they have any questions about your "how to" or if they would like to give you a compliment!
HOW TO Powerpoint

A "how to" does not need to be completed in one day!
How To Writing Template #1 
How To Writing Template #2

Log into Happy Numbers for 10-15 minutes.

Today, look around your house for something you have 10 of (10 legos, 10 grapes, 10 books, 10 action figures, etc). Make three subtraction stories using your 10 objects. 
Example: Ms. Corbett has 10 hair clips, she takes away 4 of them. How many hair clips does she have left? Use your objects to make three different subtraction stories! 
*Show me the objects you used for your problems in today's Padlet.

Watch "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" story. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
We will begin studying the life cycle of a butterfly! Please click HERE to watch a short video. Did you know a butterfly starts as a caterpillar before turning into a butterfly?
How did your butterfly turn out? Does it look like mine?
Earth Day powerpoint pictures 
HERE We love our Earth!

Visit Padlet: Hit the + sign in the bottom right-hand corner of the page and post.

For today's padlet, show me the 10 objects you used for your math subtraction stories today.
10 Objects for Subtraction

Previous Padlets:

Letter W Padlet Butterfly Life Cycle Mrs. Boyce's Birthday TH Circle Chart Padlet Earth Day Padlet Two Things That Rhyme Show Me Your Workspace Virtual Hug Padlet Show Me Your Subtraction Gym Exercise Letter E Circle Chart Padlet
Tacky Tourist Day Padlet
Hidden Flower Padlet
TBD Spirit Day Shirt Sport's Team Padlet
Spirit Day Rainbow and Patterns Padlet
Pajama Day Padlet
Letter K Padlet
Show Me Your Smile Padlet