Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Good morning KT! 
Happy April!  Happy Wednesday!  

This week's Kindergarten Challenge is:
Can you zip your coat? 
Practice this week until you can do it by yourself.  

This week is TBD's Spirit Week -
For today's spirit day you are to wear your TBD green spirit shirt.

For today's Padlet... What begins with Kk?
Did you like my Kk chart?  Go look around your house for something that begins with letter Kk.  Take a photo with it and click below. Can't find anything?  Look in a magazine or draw your own picture. 

What Begins with Kk?

Today's special is... Library

Library with Mrs. Straubinger

Morning Routines - (oral)
*What day is today? month? year? season?
April song
*What is the weather like today? Look out the window.  Is it rainy? cloudy? sunny?  Is it warmer or colder than yesterday? 

*Today is day 129... pick someone to count back and forth with.  You do not need to start with 1.  Start with a bigger number so that it doesn't take so long.  Ready... GO!
KT News - 
Today's KT News

No need to print it out ... just read it and see if you can find these words... 

what- 1
you- 4
do - 1
today - 4

Did you find your own word that you can read?

Reading Workshop-
*Log into Raz Kids and read for at least 20 minutes. 

1. You listen to the story.
2. You read (and record) the story. 
3. You take the quiz. 

Math -
*Log into Happy Numbers for 10-15 minutes.  

*Pick one activity from the Math Choice Board or the Math Packet.

Literacy -

Phonemic Awareness/Rhyming -
Listen to the three words... (Parent says them in a row pause between each word...bed, red, rod)  Can you name the 2 that rhyme?  This is an auditory drill (not to be read by student).

man cat can
 dad pad pan
bag boat goat
glue gum new

Phonics -
Practice your phonics with me today!

Tap Clap Slap
Word Building

Kk is our new letter/sound. Do you like my Kk chart?

 Tap, Clap, Slap out these words for Kk.

Kk Chart

Sight Words - 
You can listen and follow along 
Sight Word Practice

Practice the words on your word ring.

Red Words
Practice all of your red words today. 
Write them without looking on your whiteboard with the red marker. (Say one word at a time to your child)
a, I, the, for, and, is, see, do, has, of, was, he, to, his, go, she, by 

Read Aloud -

Click below to listen to Mrs. Boyce read: 
Read with Mrs. Boyce     

Enjoy this April Fool's Day story:
April Foolishness
Writing Workshop - April Fool's Day is a day to try and trick people or make them feel foolish. It is all in good fun and isn't meant to hurt anyone's feelings. I remember one time Lauren put a toy spider on my pillow. I screamed. It made me scared. Then she starting laughing and that made me laugh too. Write a story about a time you felt foolish, tricked, or embarrassed. What happened? Can you write 2 or more sentences about it. Who made you feel this way? How did it make you feel? You can start it by writing - One day I... Remember what good writers do. Science, Social Studies, Health - Spring weather is constantly changing... this issue will show you all the kinds of weather you may see this spring. Enjoy.
Scholastic Let's Find Out - 
class code: raintop 5216  

My Wild Weather Day
"My Wild Weather Day" - you can follow along with your own paper copy (in folder).
I tried to link it directly to the issue.  If you need to log in, the code is above. Scroll to March issues to find it.

Happy Learning today!  Have a wonderful day.