e-Learning Activities for
May 14, 2020
Good morning friends. Today is Thursday. Enjoy the beautiful day. Tomorrow we will have a google meet. Please come prepared with your white board and Expo marker.
Our kindergarten class is doing an amazing job of learning at home. Click the link below to see your friends in action.
-Updated each day K-Friends
The Adventures of “Flat Mrs. Sterinsky”
-Updated each day
The Adventures of Flat Mrs. Sterinsky
Visit Padlet
-Hit the + in the bottom right-hand corner to post
What do you know about a square? What do you know about a rectangle?
Previous Padlets-
Today we have Launch and Gym. Miss Janowski and Mrs. Gambuti has some fun activities planned for you. Click on their web page to see what they have planned.
-Please date all work
-place completed work in the folder provided
-take time to go outside and enjoy the fresh air
Phonics: May 14, 2020 Link Below
Red Word Practice
Click the link below
Red Words with Mrs. Sterinsky PM.webm
Create the Red Words who and does
-use any materials you want
Digraph Dictation -wh
-fold your paper in half
-label one side wh and the other side th
-what digraph do you hear
-sort the dictated words
Dictation with Mrs. Sterinsky.webm
-Read these wh words
Move to the music Learn about the digraph wh
Click the link below
Digraphs | Let's Learn About the Digraph wh | Phonics Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann
Today, May 14, 2020 students will read for 10 minutes from a book of choice at home.
What do you do if you come to a word that you don’t know?
-look at the first letter and get your mouth ready
-put the sounds on your fingers
-look at the picture to help you
-look for little words inside bigger words
Explore the website- Epic!
Use this website as an extended library for your reading pleasure. There are lots of fun titles
-Click on the link below.
-Then, click on students at the top of the page.
-Next, enter class code.
Class code: ykh7509
Today, May 14, 2020, Guided Reading with Mrs. Sterinsky
Click Below-
Guided Reading with Mrs. Sterinsky.webm
-link below read on-screen or print it out
Students- Read Monsters with parent guidance
-Reread text for accuracy and understanding
-Retell the story -use words like -first -next -then -after that
Parents- listen to students read and guide them through any errors by providing prompts:
-Look at the picture. -Is that a word we already know? -Can you say all the sounds in the word?
-Can you reread the sentence to make sure it makes sense?
Guided Reading Titles For Continued Review
Home on the Farm
Our Camping Trip
I Like My Job
Can you Play with Me
Big and Little Pets
Looking in the Ocean
A Yard Full of Birds
Today, May 14, 2020
Click on the link below or print out to practice
“Spring Sight Word Phrases” -updated
-point to each word as you read
-read with fluency
-read with accuracy
spring sight word phrases
Sight Word PowerPoint for additional independent practice
Below is a link to our "sight word PowerPoint".
Writing Workshop: New Unit
Unit Big Idea: Students will write paying careful attention to writing mechanics.
This week we will work on our writing mechanics.
-Sentences start with capital letters.
-Sentences end with a period if you are telling somebody something, an exclamation mark if you are excited, or a question mark if you are asking a question. . ! ?
-Sentences have spaces between each word to make the writing easy to read.
This week you will be writing about what you do with
“Flat Mrs. Sterinsky”.
-Write 2-3 sentences about what we do together.
-Draw a picture to match your words.
-Remember your writing mechanics.
Writing Template
-Click below to print out
Writing Template
Math: New Unit May 13,2020
Unit Big Idea: Students will be able to recognize and identify flat and solid shapes.
Today, May 14, 2020
Math Warm-up
-count to 100 by 1s
-count to 100 by 10s
Number Fluency to 30
Can you identify each number?
Point and read each number
Today you will learn more about flat shapes.
Click the video below
Flat Shapes May 13, 2020 6:51 PM.webm
Shape Practice
-trace each side in a different color
-put a circle around each of the vertices
-Print out the shape template or draw the shapes yourself
Flat Shapes
Subtraction Fluency Practice to 5
-please complete one practice page a day
-use the number path at the bottom of each page or counters to help you
-watch the sign...this is a mixed review
-highlight the +/- sign
Today, May 14, 2020 -Please spend at least 45 minutes this week on Happy Numbers
Visit Happy Numbers work on the site for at least 15 minutes.
-password information was sent to you
Happy Numbers
May Maker Time
-During the month of May complete three activities from the board