March 25,2020

e-Learning Activities for

March 25, 2020

Good morning. Today is Wednesday. Look outside your window. What is the weather like today?

Visit Padlet

 -Hit the + in the bottom right-hand corner 

Do you have a pet? Show me your pet. If you don’t have a pet, tell me what your favorite pet is.

In case you missed these Padlets...


Today you have Spanish and art. Mrs. Clark and Miss Henry have some fun things planned. Visit their web pages to see what they have planned for you.  

-Please date all work

-place completed work in the folder provided

-take time to go outside and enjoy the fresh air


- Students will practice RED WORDS. Red words are words we can READ and SPELL. Red words are in your child's book pouch.

Today, March 25, 2020 students will practice reading and spelling their RED words.

     -Point to each RED word on your RED word poster and read each word

      -load each word and tap the spelling on your arm

The two words you are working on this week were emailed to your parents. 

-these will be your focus words for the week

Write each “focus” RED word three times. 

-Write two sentences using a focus RED word in each sentence.      

Today, March 25, 2020 students will visit our Learning Videos Tab. Listen to the -ch and -sh song.

This week we will focus on the letter e. E says “e” like in elephant

-listen to the 

Short e song

     Point to each word on the grid. Read the word. 

Not sure what the word is. “Put the sounds on your fingers”

Blend the sounds together to read each word






























Point to each word. Read each sentence. 

Get on the jet at ten.


Ben set the dish in the den. 


The rash on his leg got red.


Phonemic Awareness:

Today, March 25, 2020 students will practice rhyming.

-Dictate three words

 -Ask your child which two rhyme

dad sad mom

pot pat mat

hug bug tag

hot fan can

mom rat tom

-Move to the music 

 -listen for the rhyming word...then freeze

Rhyme and Freeze



Today, March 25, 2020 students will read for 10 minutes using the leveled texts in their book pouch or from a book of choice at home.


What do you do if you come to a word that you don’t know?

-look at the first letter and get your mouth ready

-put the sounds on your fingers

-look at the picture to help you

-look for little words inside bigger words

Today, March 25, 2020 students will log on to RAZ kids for at least 15 minutes.

Students are to read and listen to books and answer the comprehension questions that follow.

-Send me the voice recording of your reading.

(Voice recording is a tool explained on the site)

Today, March 25, 2020 Students will review sight words and phrases. Sight words are words that are read with automaticity.


Today, March 25, 2020 students will read his/her sight words and phrases.

Today, March 25, 2020 students will review sight words using the PowerPoint.

Below is a link to our "sight word PowerPoint".

Writing Workshop:

- In writing workshop, students have been writing personal narratives.

Writers make their writing easy to read by using finger spaces between each word. "A narrative story is something that happened to you and how you felt about it" 

-Personal Narrative use words like I, me, my, or we. 

-These words let the reader know you are telling the story.

-Personal Narratives have a setting (where the story takes place) 

-Personal Narratives have a beginning middle and an end

-Personal Narratives tell the reader how you are feeling at the end

Today, March 25, 2020 students will write a personal narrative that is at least three sentences.(include a feeling sentence) Draw a picture to match your narrative.

In your child's book pouch you will find copies of our writing template. Please use these templates at home to write.


Today, March 25, 2020 

-count to 100 by 1s 

-count to 100 by 5s 

Today, March 25,2020 complete Shamrock Mania and The Shamrock Mystery in math packet

Today, March 25, 2020

Visit Happy Numbers work on the site for at least 15 minutes.

-password information was sent to you

Happy Numbers

Science Social Studies Health:

Today, March 25, 2020, choose an activity from the science, social studies, and health choice board.

Looking for more to do? Join Mo Willems each afternoon at 1:00 for LUNCH DOODLES   I have been doing this with my family. You will love it. 

Mo Willems

Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks. Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and join Mo to explore ways of writing and making together.