e-Learning Activities for
April 1, 2020
Good morning friends. Today is the first day of April. They say April showers bring May flowers. What do you think that means?
See what your friends have been up to. Click the link below. -Updated each day
Visit Padlet
-Hit the + in the bottom right-hand corner to post
What is your favorite thing to do in the spring?
Today we have Spanish and Art. Miss Henry and Mrs. Clark have some fun things planned for you. Visit their web page to see what they have planned.
-Please date all work
-place completed work in the folder provided
-take time to go outside and enjoy the fresh air
Phonics: April 1,2020
These phonics routines are done daily in the classroom. The children are familiar with them.
Today we will blend words with the digraphs ch and sh
-a digraph is two letters that make one sound
ch sh Blending with Mrs. Sterisky.webm
Today we will be reviewing our RED words together.
Why do we learn RED words?
-They help us read and spell.
Untitled: Mar 31, 2020 11:14 AM.webm
Focus RED word Practice-
-Rainbow write each focus RED word three times.
-listen to the
Short Vowels Mix - aeiou (five videos) - Phonics songs
Visit -The sight is linked below
-I am a student -Class Code UAVBJV
-spend 15 minutes
-Complete short e review in Word Work Packet
Phonemic Awareness:
Today we will be rhyming together.
-rhyming words are words that sound the same
Rhyming with Mrs. Sterinsky.webm
-draw a picture with words that rhyme. Label the rhyming words
-Move to the music
-listen for the rhyming word...then freeze
Rhyme and Freeze
Today, April 1, 2020 students will read for 10 minutes using the leveled texts in their book pouch or from a book of choice at home.
What do you do if you come to a word that you don’t know?
-look at the first letter and get your mouth ready
-put the sounds on your fingers
-look at the picture to help you
-look for little words inside bigger words
Take the April Reading Challenge
April Reading Challenge Link
April Reading Challenge
Today, April 1, 2020 students will log on to RAZ kids for at least 15 minutes.
Students are to read and listen to books and answer the comprehension questions that follow.
-Send me the voice recording of your reading.
(Voice recording is a tool explained on the site)
Today we will be practicing our sight words together.
Why do we learn sight words?
-They help us read and write.
Sight Words with Mrs. Sterinsky.webm
Today, April 1, 2020 students will read his/her sight words and phrases.
Sight Word PowerPoint for additional independent practice
Below is a link to our "sight word PowerPoint".
Click on the link below to practice “Spring Sight Word Phrases”
-point to each word as you read
-read with fluency
Spring sight word phrases
Writing Workshop:
- In writing workshop, students have been writing personal narratives.
Writers make their writing easy to read by using finger spaces between each word. "A narrative story is something that happened to you and how you felt about it"
-Personal Narrative use words like I, me, my, or we.
-These words let the reader know you are telling the story.
-Personal Narratives have a setting (where the story takes place)
-Personal Narratives have a beginning middle and an end
-Personal Narratives tell the reader how you are feeling at the end
Today, March 31, 2020 students will write a personal narrative that is at least three sentences. (include a feeling sentence) Draw a picture to match your narrative.
On Friday we will be having another Google Hang-out. You will be asked to share a personal narrative that you have written during e-Learning. Take time over the next few days to choose what you will be sharing.
Today, March 31, 2020
-count to 100 by 1s
-count to 100 by 10s
-count to 100 by 5s
Today, March 31, 2020, complete How many more to make 10? (one page) & Count it up by 10’s (one page)
Today, March 31, 2020
Visit Happy Numbers work on the site for at least 15 minutes.
-password information was sent to you
Happy Numbers
Today April 1, 2020
Take a walk outside and observe spring with your five senses
-what do you hear
-what do you see
-what do you feel
-what do you taste
-what do you smell
Today, April 1, 2020 take a virtual field trip with your family
Daily Virtual Field Trips for Families
(Just click on the blue words and then click on the link that appears below the words.)
April Maker Time
-During the month of April complete three activities from the board
April Maker Challenge Link
April Maker Challenge
Optional Activity
30 Day Lego Challenge
-Please click HERE for the 30 day LEGO challenge
In case you missed these Padlets…