Making Connections
As students read, it is important for students to make connections with their text. All students can easily activate prior knowledge about their lives. Students connect with the text through their own personal experiences or life and the world around them. Not only does making connections improve reading comprehension, it is important as it makes the reader active in the reading process.
Text to Self
Students connect with the text through their own personal experiences or life. Students relate to the story by a specific experience in their life.
Sample Prompts:
That reminds me of…
That made me think of the time…
I can relate….
Text to Text
Students connect to the text in relation to another text. Students make connections from a previous book they have read.
Sample Prompts:
This part is just like…
That reminds me of…
I read another book where…
This is similar to…
Text to World
Students connect to the text in relation to the world. They no longer connect with only personal information or experiences.
Sample Prompts:
That reminds me of…
This is like…
I know about this… but I didn’t know that.