Activity 1
Positive Self-Talk Challenge
Thinking good thoughts about yourself like “I can do this” or “I am smart” can help you keep trying and reach your goals. Thinking good (or positive) thoughts can help you feel good about yourself and feel happier. Everyone has times when things don’t go the way they wanted. When this happens, you can tell yourself things such as “it will get better” or "I am going to keep trying” to help you feel better. You can choose to think good thoughts!
Try to complete all of the challenges!
1. Write or illustrate your positive self- talk statement on a notecard. Place it somewhere you’ll see it often!
2. Begin your day by repeating your positive self-talk statement in front of the mirror.
3. Share your positive self-talk statement with a friend and ask to hear your friend’s statement too!
4. Make a positive statement about someone else. Lift them up with your positive words!
5. Create a new positive self-talk statement. Write or illustrate it on another note card and post it somewhere you’ll see it often!
Activity 2
“Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon” By: Patty Lovell
Questions to think about:
1. How did Molly Lou's grandmother make her feel special?
2. What happened when Molly Lou moved to a new town?
3. How did Molly solve the problem?
4. How did Ronald Durkin feel?
5. Why did Ronald feel foolish?
6. How did Ronald Durkin change?
7. How did the story end?
Activity: Draw or make a list of things that make you special!
Activity 3
Good Thoughts
1. Think about someone that you care deeply about.
2. Close your eyes and imagine that this person is standing in front of you.
3. Think of something about this person that you admire.
4. Say this good thought quietly in your mind.
5. Send this good thought to the person that you care about.
Activity 4
Yes You Can! | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - Mindfulness for kids
Learning new things can be tough! It can feel like we have a monster in our minds saying 'you can't do it!' Watch this video to learn how to say 'yes you can!'
Activity 5
Kid President’s 20 Things We Should Say More Often
Kid President believes the things we say can help make the world more awesome. Here he shares a special list of 20 things we should say more often. What would you add to it?
Activity 6
Please Read or Listen to I'm Gonna Like Me.
Draw a picture of yourself and share something special about you with a friend or a family member.
Activity 7
Listen to Spookley the Square Pumpkin.
What lesson did you learn from this story?
How can you use this lesson in your everyday life?