Monday, March 30, 2020
Good morning KT!  Happy Monday.  I hope you had a very nice weekend.

This week's Kindergarten Challenge is:
Can you zip your coat?  Practice this week until you can do it by yourself.  

This week is TBD's Spirit Week -
For today's spirit day you are to wear as many colors and patterns as you can!  Show us what you look like on our Padlet today.  
Padlet - Show me your colors/patterns

You have Gym today.  Click below to see what Mr. K has planned for you today.

You have Launch Pad today.  Click below to see what Mrs. Gambuti has planned for you today.

Morning Routines - (oral)
What day is today? month? year? season?
What kind of weather is it today?  Does it feel cooler or warmer than yesterday? 
Would you say it is a "lion" or a "lamb" day?
There is only one more day of March.  Do you know what Month comes next?

*Today is day 127... pick someone to count back and forth with.  You do not need to start with 1.  Start with a bigger number so that it doesn't take so long.  Ready... GO!   

KT News - 
Today's KT News

No need to print it out ... just read it and see if you can find these words... 

on - 1
with - 2
do - 3
for - 1
what - 2 
have - 3

Reading Workshop-

 Remember what good readers do... 
*Good readers read the same stories over and over.
*Look at the pictures.
*Point to the words.
*Look at the letters/sounds in words to figure out words they don't know.
*Break unknown bigger words into smaller chunks
*Look for words they know in bigger words (brother)

-Read the books in your book pouch (8-10 minutes)
-Go on Raz Kids and read for at least 10-15 minutes. 

1. You listen to the story.
2. You read (and record) the story. 
3. You take the quiz. 

Math -
*Log into Happy Numbers for 10-15 minutes.  

*Pick one activity from the Math Choice Board or the Math Packet.

Literacy -

Phonemic Awareness/Rhyming -
Listen to the three words... (Parent says them in a row pause between each word...bed, red, rod)  Can you name the 2 that rhyme?  This is an auditory drill (not to be read by student).

 like Mike luck
 hot top not
 fit fan pan
 jet jug bug

Phonics - Word Building with Mrs. Turci

Your new letter/sound this week is Kk /k/ - for kite - remember what I always say to snip the -uh and try not to say -kuh   

Draw 3 or more things that begin with K.  K can be tricky because C makes the same sound.  Try your best.  

Read these words:

kid kit Kim

Sight Words - 
Practice your word lists on the ring.
Practice the sight word slide show. 

When your child misses 2 in a row... STOP.  Do not proceed.  Take those two words and write them on a post it, index card or paper and hang them up. Practice these two words everyday for a week.  Once your child seems secure in them, then go back to slide show or word ring.  This will help more than going over the list over and over and getting stuck on the same words.  We are looking at automaticity - think quality over quantity.  

Red Words

Do you know all the RED words on your chart?  
If not practice the ones that are still tricky.
If you do, your new word is:


Add the word by to your red word list.
"Load" and tap it out on your arm. b-y by, b-y, by,
b-y, by

Read Aloud -

Click below to listen to Mrs. Boyce read 
Read with Mrs. Boyce

This is one of my favorite stories.  It is about a girl named Frannie and her dog Fred.  Frannie wants to feed her plant.  But she doesn't know what to feed it.  Do you know what plants need to grow? 

Grow Flower Grow

Did you think that story was silly?  Why?  

Writing Workshop-
Write a story today about something you played or did this weekend.  Can you write 2 sentences.  What did you do?  How did it make you feel?

I made a puzzle with my family.  It was fun.  I was happy.

Happy Learning today!  Have a wonderful day.

Science, Social Studies, Health - 