Monday, March 23, 2020
Good morning! Happy Monday! 

Below are your e-learning activities for today:
Please note that this can be spread throughout the day and is not meant to be done in one sitting or in any particular order.

This week's Kindergarten Challenge is:
Do you know your address? (house #, street, town, & state)

Morning Routines - (oral)
What day is today? month? year? season?
What kind of weather is it today?  Does it feel cooler or warmer than yesterday? 
Would you say it is a "lion" or a "lamb" day?

*Today is day 122... pick someone to count back and forth with (send me a video) You can start with any number.

Do you know #2's best friend? (What number makes 10 with #2 - (8)

KT News - No need to print it out ... just read it and see if you can find these words... 

be- 1
see - 2
to - 3
have - 1
for - 2
you - 6

Reading Workshop-
Set a timer for 8 minutes.  Read the books in your book pouch.  Remember to use your reading strategies to help sound out unknown words.  Use your pictures and words (sounds) to help too.  If you tried and are still stuck on a word please ask for help. 

Go on Raz Kids and read for at least 10-15 minutes. 
Thank you to all who have read me a story.  If you haven't please record one for me today.  Hit the record button, read and then hit the record button again to end.  

Go to Mr. Kuizema's web page to see what he has planned for today.

Math - 
*Log into Happy Numbers for 10-15 minutes.  

*Pick one activity from the Math Choice Board.

Literacy -
Read these words (sound out each sound and blend to read each word).

 map  run  pig  dot  hug
 sip  big  nod  gal lip 

Phonics - 
What sound does /Nn/ say? Name 3 things that begin with Nn.
What sound does /Ll/ say?  Name 3 things that begin with Ll.
What sound does /Ii/ say? Name 3 things that begin with Ii.
If you printed the alphabet cards or the chart ... you can practice all sounds like we do everyday.

Sight Words - 
Practice your word lists on the ring.
Practice the sight word slide show. 

Red Words

Do you know all the RED words on your chart?  If not practice the ones that are still tricky.
If you do, your new word is:


Load and tap it out.  
Can you say a sentence with the word she?

Launch Pad
Please go see what Mrs. Gambuti has for you today.

Remember to give yourself some down time in the day.  :) Miss you xo