Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020- Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

*please keep track of any completed/ written work and place in folder that was sent home

*take time throughout the day for snack, lunch, recess, and some brain breaks (go noodle and fresh air!)

Morning News: click the link March 17, 2020 KC NEWS

*we read the morning news together every morning. One student points to the words and reads the news while the rest of the class follows. Please have your child read the news and find sight words in the news. If you have a printer, you can print the news and have them highlight sight words on paper. If you don't have a printer, your child can just point to the sight words that they find in the news!


- Students will practice RED WORDS. Red words are words we can READ and SPELL. Red words are now attached to your child's word list that comes home every day. Today, please use the Red Word Chart that you made in school on Friday to review your words- hang the poster somewhere in your house, get a pretend pointer, and teach red words to your brothers, sisters, parents, or even your stuffed animals! Pretend YOU are the teacher! Load the red words and arm tap them.

*Parents may send me pictures or videos of this if you’d like :)

- Students will review sight word lists. Please have your child read and practice his/her sight word lists. Students should recognize and read sight words while reading books from their book pouches. Below is a link to our "sight word powerpoint", which we use in school to practice words. Please review sight words using the powerpoint. 

Sight Word Powerpoint Link

Reading Workshop:

- Scholastic Let’s Find Out! “Have You Seen Green?”- read your St. Patrick’s Day Scholastic that I sent home on Friday. I attached a student access code to the scholastic so that you can access it online. The website will read the scholastic to you, show you a video, and has a game to play! We use this site in school, so your child will be very familiar with it!

Scholastic Let's Find Out Link

Class Passcode: corbettk

- RAZ KIDS- Students should log onto RAZ kids today for at least 10 minutes. Students are to read and listen to stories and answer comprehension questions that follow. 

* If you can, send me the voice recording of your reading- voice recording is a tool explained on the RAZ Kids website. 

Raz Kids Link

Teacher Username: tcorbett5 

* If you do not remember how to log in to RAZ kids or forget your username/password, the instructions are stapled in your child's take home folder. His/her username and password are also stapled to the inside of the take-home folder. 



GYM- please direct your child to Ms. Janowski’s webpage to find gym activities for today.

Writing Workshop:

- Write a letter to the leprechaun! Today, you will write a letter to the leprechaun asking him or telling him something you might want him to know!

Examples: Do you know where the pot of gold is?

      Please do not make a mess in our classroom while we are gone.

- In a folder sent home, you will find many copies of a "letter writing" template. Please use these templates at home to write letters on. Please save these letters so they can be handed in to me when we return to school. If you would like, take a picture of your child’s letter and email it to me! I would love to see what they write!

- In writing workshop students have been writing letters to express feelings through writing.

- Students have learned the parts of a letter: date, greeting, body, closing/signature.

- Telling sentence: uses a period.

- Asking sentence: uses a question mark and needs an answer.


- Please complete one math worksheet today from the Math Leprechaun packet that was sent home.

Science, Social Studies, Health:

- Please direct your child to Mrs. Gambuti’s Launch Pad webpage where you will find Science lessons/activities for today. Her name can be found on the TBD website teacher drop down (just like you found mine).

- Please choose an activity from the "Science, Social Studies, Health Choice Board" link below. Please choose and complete ONE activity today. 

Science, Social Studies, Health Choice Board


I emailed you pictures of our leprechaun traps- please share the pictures with your kids! Have students make another leprechaun trap at home if they wish! Have fun! Happy St. Patrick's Day! Love, Ms. Corbett